Uncertain Fate Read online

Page 24

  It was clearer now. Each move she’d made after her mad flight from the group home the day she’d reached legal age had brought her closer to her beginnings. Her roots, murky as they were, lay hidden across the border in Texas.

  Emmy hadn’t cried in years. And she didn’t now, because she’d dealt with the grief of losing Mom Fran long ago. But there remained a need to possess the facts. Facts about her past that might come to light if the local sheriff dug for clues to Fran Granger’s murder.

  Two days slipped by before she managed to sort things out in her mind. She supposed she owed Richard Parrish—or more likely, Melanie Fletcher—for unwittingly providing her with the time and the resources to go back. Back to a town whose very name described her entire life—Uncertain.

  About Ken Casper

  Ken Casper, aka K. N. Casper, author of more than 25 novels, short stories and articles. Born and raised in New York City, Ken is now a transplanted Texan. He and Mary, his wife of thirty-five-plus years, own a horse farm in San Angelo. Along with their two dogs, six cats, and eight horses—at last count!—they board and breed horses. Mary’s a therapeutic riding instructor for the handicapped Visit Ken at www.KenCasper.com